Policy plan 2019-2024
- Goal:
- Enabling training for young people in Sondu and the surrounding area, who do not have the financial means to fund this training;
- Making it possible to follow a course after completing secondary school so that the young people can actually provide for themselves;
- Supporting local initiatives and developing local projects in Sondu and the surrounding area.
- Board:
The board consists of five people, all volunteers, namely chairman, secretary, treasurer and two members. They do not receive a reward. Members of the board can only declare actual costs incurred up to a maximum amount of € 200 per calendar year.
The current board consists of: Lucie van Hassel, chairman, Gerdine van Loosdrecht, secretary, Neltien Kreijger, treasurer, Marijke Rieks, member and Bert Rieks, member.
The board is supported by Johan van Heumen and Jokeline Rieks.
The board works closely with the independent partner organization (NGO) in Kenya, called the MES committee.
This committee gives advice and carries out work requested by the board.
- Finances:
Income is generated through the following activities:
- Recruitment of individual sponsors. A link is made between the sponsor and a specific student.
- Recruitment of individual donors. (No link with student).
- Recruitment of structural sponsorship by companies and institutions.
- Selling products purchased in Kenya.
- Selling products made in the Netherlands.
- Selling second hand books.
The treasurer is responsible for managing the assets. At every meeting, he reports on income and expenditure and any future developments. The joint management determines the policy herein.
The treasurer regularly checks whether the funds are used in Kenya in accordance with the objective of the foundation.
The assets are divided over:
– 2 checking accounts
– 2 business savings accounts (linked to the payment accounts)
– petty cash
The content of the petty cash has a maximum amount of € 400. The aim is to have sufficient change present in the case of product sales.
The purpose of the savings account’s assets is to guarantee a safe buffer, so that in the event of sponsor failure, the sponsored students have the guarantee that they can complete their school education.
There are various expenditure items, namely:
- School fees and teaching aids in secondary school
- Medical care students
- Kindergarten materials
- One-off projects
- Purchase costs for products.
The majority of the assets are spent on paying school fees, teaching materials, a hot meal and the costs of medical care for the young people we sponsor. The payment is made per quarter. A small part of the capital is spent on sponsoring materials for the local kindergarten.
Year reports:
In the first quarter of the new year, the treasurer prepares the annual financial report for the previous year. The financial statements and the annual report (made by the secretary) are published on the website.
- Public Relations
- A newsletter is published at least twice a year and is sent to all sponsors and interested parties. This newsletter is also posted on the website, both in Dutch and in English.
- We try to be present at least twice a year at a (small-scale) exhibition.
- We try to hold an exhibition every year and reach publications in magazines etc.
- Method
Sponsor children:
Every year, primary schools in Sondu and the surrounding area nominate children to the MES Committee. The nominated children cannot pay the required school fees for high school, but can successfully complete this training. This is determined on the basis of the final score at primary school.
The MES Committee assesses whether the application is justified and for this purpose goes on a home visit without prior notice. The MES Committee advises the OKE Foundation which children are eligible for sponsorship.
Depending on the available financial resources and administrative options, the OKE Foundation decides how many and which children can be sponsored.
Lucie van Hassel March 2019